24 June Blog Resolution & Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet studiomgh.com Aspect Ratio, Cheat Sheet, Resolution 0 Comments This is by far a comprehensive list of Resolutions and Aspect Ratios. I just listed the most common (and a few uncommon in the family). But I hope it helps you a bit. CINEMA DCP 4k Flat (1.85:1) / 3996×2160Scope (2.39:1) / 4096×1716QuadHD (16:9) / 3840×2160Full Container / 4096×2160 CINEMA DCP 2k Flat (1.85:1) / 1998×1080Scope (2.39:1) / 2048×858QuadHD (16:9) / 1920×1080Full Container / 2048×1080 4k 1.33:1 (4:3) / 4096×30721.66:1 (5:3) / 4096×24581.77:1 (16:9) / 4096×23041.85:1 / 4096×22141.9:1 (Native 4k Red) /4096×21602:1 / 4096×20482.35:1 / 4096×16422.37:1 (RED Wide) /4096×17282.39:1 (referred to as 2.40) / 4096×17062.44 / 4096×1678 2k 1.33:1 (4:3) / 2048×15361.66:1 (5:3) / 2048×12291.77:1 (16:9) / 2048×1152185:1 / 2048×11072:1 / 2048×10242.35:1 / 2048×8712.37:1 (RED Wide) / 2048×8642.39:1 (referred to as 2.40) / 2048×8582.44 / 2048×839 1080p (HD) 1.66:1 (5:3) / 1920×11521.77:1 (16:9) / 1920×10801.85:1 / 1920×10382:1 / 1920×9602.35:1 / 1920×8172.37:1 (RED Wide) / 1920×8102.39:1 (referred to as 2.40) / 1920×8032.40:1 (Blu-Ray) / 1920×8002.44 / 1920×7871.33:1 (4:3) / 1920×1440 720p 1.33:1 (4:3) / 1280×9621.66:1 (5:3) / 1280×7681.77:1 (16:9) / 1280×7201.85:1 / 1280×6922:1 / 1280×6402.35:1 / 1280×5452.37:1 (RED Wide) / 1280×5402.39:1 (referred to as 2.40) /1280×5362.44 / 1280×525 Tags: Aspect Ratio Cheat Sheet Resolution Related Posts mgh 30 April 2023 Intro to the VFX Pipeline Ok, fellow Martians, if you’re into VFX and want an introductory look into the machine that w ..